In brief: National case studies aiming to analyse/assess the current state of the art in each partner country in respect to existing education curricula in bio-fertilizers, the presence of green approaches in them, existing competence assessment schemes and classifications, etc. will be prepared. The studies will include collected information through questionnaires among specific target groups and case studies representing the current status of training in bio-fertilizers in each partner country, the main structures involved in the training, existing National/European legislative framework and policy, assessment of the educational needs / gaps in the project subject area, alignment with National/EU VET priorities (implementation of EQF/NQF and ECVET). The expected milestone of the deliverable is identification and analysis concerning partners` national peculiarities in respect to national sustainable agricultural practices and training opportunities. It is used to:
In: Bulgarian, English.
Available: as texts on the website; CD.
Methodology: surveys, questionnaires, interviews, desk research, consultations.
In brief: A general frame for gathering of documents certifying completed training and acquired competence/qualification during the Bio-FIT training. It facilitates the mobility process and comprises the following:
The system frame is set up following the established common for the project criteria and procedures, and standard quality indicators.
In: Bulgarian, English, Greek, Hungarian
Available: CD, as documents on the website.
Methodology: a Skills Passport is constructed for each qualification description.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi-ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.