1. oldal / 9
Biofertilizers hold a promising future in the development of the market,
production, technologies, tools and instruments etc. They are promising in
reducing soil quality problems with optimum crop yield. As it was highlighted in
Part I of Module 1, biofertilizers are a complex product of live microbial
inoculants which are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize soil
phosphorus, decompose organic material or oxidize sulphur in the soil.
Biofertilizers are artificially multiplied cultures of beneficial soil
microorganisms that can improve soil fertility and crop productivity. They add
nutrients through the natural processes of nitrogen fixation, solubilizing
phosphorus and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis of
growth-promoting substances. They are made from biological wastes and do not
contain any chemicals. The main sources of biofertilizers are bacteria, fungi
and cynobacteria (blue-green algae).